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Our LGBT+ group works with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender or questioning young people aged 13-24 years of age in the Meath region.

Through weekly social meetings, our LGBTI+ support group aims to provide a place where young LGBTI+ people can be themselves and socialise with their peers in an open and accepting environment, thus empowering the young people of County Meath and encouraging a similar attitude in society at large.

We aim to promote friendships with peers, to provide an experience of inclusion, acceptance and social justice. The project also works to address issues and concerns affecting all young people today and to raise community awareness about anti-homophobic attitudes and seek to change these attitudes through education.

With weekly youth group meetings, where the group chooses what activities they'd like to do, we welcome young people from varied backgrounds and recognise that each person has their own unique experience. We participate in campaigns that interest the group and work with other community groups both locally and nationally. We also provide one-to-one support and do in-school workshops and projects.

If you are aged between 13 - 24 years of age and would like to join one of our LGBTI+ groups, you can pop in to chat with one of our youth workers or contact us by email. If you’re nervous, don’t worry, somebody will meet you before your first group attendance so that you’ll have a friendly face for your first time through the door!

If you are a parent or guardian of an LGBTI+ young person and have questions or need information, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We could even meet you for a cuppa beforehand if it suits.

For more information on our LGBTI+ supports contact us on 046 9093402 or email

Youth Work Ireland Meath
St. Mary's Church Grounds, Trimgate St. Navan C15 NXC9
046 9093402
@ywimeath on Facebook, Instagram and X
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